Illuminate and Integrate Project
As part of the Harris Quarter Towns Fund Investment Programme, the Illuminate and Integrate project aims to deliver improved pedestrian and cycleway infrastructure, street lighting and other public realm improvements within the Harris Quarter.
Consultation - November 2023
We conducting an engagement exercise on the proposed improvements in the Illuminate and Integrate scheme in November 2023.
The Illuminate and Integrate works are designed to improve the quality of the public spaces and to create safer, better linkages across the Harris Quarter, supporting the area as 'a go-to cultural destination' in the city.
There are several parts to the scheme and below are some of the benefits for each.
- Removing traffic from part of Lancaster Road will create a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists
- Improved two-way cycle route provision to Lancaster Road which is integrated with the wider city and national cycle network routes
- Improved street scene with widened paths and high-quality paving, seating and tree planting will create a pleasant environment for people to sit, relax, shop and enjoy
- Regeneration of the street will encourage more people to use it, and help to generate more potential customers for businesses in the area
- Opportunities for businesses to provide outdoor seating for eating and drinking
- New spaces adjacent to the Market for circulation
- Improved lighting across the Harris Quarter to promote extended hours of use after dark encouraging people to stay longer and enjoy their city centre
- Lighting improvements will improve night-time safety.
If you are a business or trader affected by the Lancaster Road works planned in the vicinity of your property, we would be happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns or comments you have.
Thank you for your patience whilst we make Preston City Centre a better place to work, visit, shop and enjoy.
The Illuminate and Integrate Project
The proposed Harris Quarter Illuminate and Integrate scheme presents an exciting opportunity to further expand streetscene improvements across the city centre, improving the city's cultural, social and economic viability.
Download a copy of the Illuminate and Integrate Project consultation document (PDF, 3 MB).
The proposed works involve:
- The public realm improvements (highlighted in red) are designed to encourage pedestrian and cycle movement at a section of Lancaster Road adjacent to the Market Hall and help to stimulate regeneration.
- The lighting improvements which we are consulting on span to a wider zone within the Harris Quarter highlighted on the below plan.
This scheme is being delivered under the Harris Quarter Towns Fund Investment Programme with funding from Towns Fund, Preston City Council and a grant from Lancashire County Council. To find out about the other projects forming part of the programme see our Harris Quarter Towns Fund Investment Programme section.

Harris Quarter - A Go To Cultural Destination
Whilst the Harris Quarter is well connected to the rest of the city centre via the existing network of streets, many of these routes are dated having been designed around vehicular movement, limiting the potential for cycle and pedestrian use.
A mixture of tired and dated materials and finishes along with low quality general lighting does little to complement and unify the setting of the fine architecture within the Harris Quarter.
The proposed works are therefore focused on improving the quality of the public spaces, supporting sustainable travel and creating safer and better linkages between existing spaces and transport hubs. These are aimed at encouraging footfall, dwell time in the day and evening, supporting the Harris Quarter 'as a go to cultural destination in the city'.
The Proposal
Lancaster Road - Public Realm Works
Whilst the existing service and taxi provision will be maintained, Lancaster Road between Old Vicarage and Earl Street will permanently close to general vehicles.
A pedestrian and cycle friendly space with high quality paving, trees, and other features such as public seating, and expanded circulation space around the market for improving circulation and providing opportunities for actives uses such as alfresco dining.
This new space will also offer improved linkages to the St John Shopping Centre. Two way cycle provision will be introduced to this part of Lancaster Road and the route will be defined using subtle changes in level and material definition
Harris Quarter Lighting Improvements
Improved lighting across the Harris Quarter. Whilst the public realm improvements are focused around Lancaster Road.
The lighting improvements include these streets but also extend to include additional streets including, Birley, Earl, Cheapside and Market Streets maximising the benefit to both Preston City Centre and the wider economy.
Benefits of the Proposed Measures to Lancaster Road
The Illuminate and Integrate will have wide ranging benefits for Preston by increasing sustainable travel options and regenerating the public space for all to enjoy. Other cities which have introduced similar cycle and pedestrian friendly measures are already enjoying benefits such as a healthier communities, reduced local air pollution, lower road traffic accident levels and a boost to their economy by increased visitor footfall, dwell time and spending. We hope to make Preston a healthier, safer and greener place for people to live, work and visit.
There are several parts to the scheme and below are some of the benefits for each.
- Removing Traffic from part of Lancaster Road will create a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Improved two-way cycle route provision to Lancaster Road which is integrated with the wider city and National Cycle Network (NCN) routes.
- Improved street scene with widened paths and high quality paving, seating and tree planting will create a pleasant environment for people to sit, relax, shop and enjoy.
- Regeneration of the street will encourage more people to use it, and help to generate more potential customers for businesses in the area
- Opportunities for businesses to provide outdoor seating for eating and drinking
- New spaces adjacent to the Market for circulation and events
- Improved lighting across the Harris Quarter to promote extended hours of use after dark, foster civic pride, encourage dwell.
- Lighting improvements will improve night-time safety.
- The proposals will also complement the Transforming Ringway / Friargate North and the planned LUF Friargate South improvements which are designed to encourage people moving between the university and the Harris Quarter.

Lighting Strategy
1 - Markets
Work with the recently installed lighting scheme to highlight the heritage features:
- Repair / replace up lights
- Seasonal / daily control modes
- Balance lighting with adjacent spaces
- Synchronise colour with other heritage lighting schemes in this masterplan
- Respond to human / social needs of the space, respond to the 'shades of night'
2 - Market Links
Replace the inconsistent variety of wall mounted luminaries with a consistent and human scale design approach:
- Small scale columns (complementary those in Flag Market) brings intimacy to the space.
- Columns become a 'follow me' leading people through Market / Birley Street from the Flag Market.
- Provide a new gateway between the Market and the Square
- Aid wayfinging and create the lighting hierarchy
- Create retail lighting guide to allow for appropriate ambiance
- Benchmark a quality standard to be expressed throughout the masterplan, encourage pedestrian traffic and dwell.
- Proposed lighting includes wall mounted heritage style lanterns to Market Street and Cheapside.
3 - Lancaster Road / Birley Street / Flag Market
Lighting to public realm features to create human scale and intimate lighting ambience, adaptable for events use:
- Provide a space for people to dwell
- Accent key features / interest points,highlighted using contrasting light
- Projectors create public interaction spaces
- Restore focus on this important civic space
- Promote extended hours of use after dark, foster civic pride, encourage dwell.
- Proposed lighting includes both elegant feature columns and heritage style columns/lanterns.
4 - Old Vicarage (Delivered under the Animate Scheme)
New lighting scheme to transform the pedestrian experience in this key access route:
- Create an attractive human scale lighting scene
- Connect with the dwell and lighting 'moments' around the adjacent Animate Scheme
- Highlight the connection to the bus station
- Balance lighting with adjacent spaces
- Make a social space, amplify the connection to the bus station.
Some of the lighting improvements will be the subject of a planning application.
Heritage and Identity - Promoting the unique identity of the development and its constituent areas.
Place making - Cultivating the appropriate ambience and mood in each individual space and area.
Sustainability and Safety - Illuminating to provide a sense of safety and assurance to the users and the community whilst reducing anti-social behaviour. Minimising energy use and respecting the surrounding ecology.
Legibility - Providing intuitive way finding through the highlighting and enhancement of routes and vistas.
Before images
After images
When will the works take place?
Old Vicarage works will start early in 2024 and be completed by June 2024.
The lighting works to Lancaster Road, Birley Street, Earl Street and Market Streets will start on site early 2025 and is planned to be complete by May 2025.
Once completed, these improvements will contribute in transforming the Harris Quarter area of the city into an exciting 'go-to' cultural destination.
These works will further expand the improvements to the street scene across the city centre. Notably, these works also complement and link to:
- Other major public realm improvements to the northern section of Friargate and the Transforming Ringway scheme currently underway by Lancashire County Council to improve pedestrian and cycleway connectivity. These are being funded through the GOV.UK - Transforming Cities Fund.
- The planned public realm improvements and cycle links for the southern section of Friargate being delivered under Active Preston's Levelling Up project.
For further information please email